Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Year of Seconds 3 - September

Today, we discuss A Year of Seconds p.3,

This was September.

In it, I was employed by my now, dear, dear friend, Erada Svetlana, who I am sure is a Russian spy novel waiting to happen.

I worked with my dear, dear sister Sarah Hawkins Moan and her lovely husband David, who is one of my best friends in the world. I read and listened to Little Women in the span of a few days because I was so committed to the show and the idea of being "cool" in art.

I went "Up North" in Michigan for the first time in four years of being a resident here.

I went on walking tours of the Eastern Market district, trying to find all of the murals on my own. I found a lot of them.

I went walking so far that I found some of my old haunts in New Center Park. For those who don't know that is a long ways, about two hours of walking (one direction) from Eastern Market.

I revisited some places. I had some great planning sessions with the members of YFH and...yeah. It was great.

It was miserable too, don't let social media fool you, but I have decided to use it as a positive reinforcing tool rather thanremember all of the negative that swells in my mental, mental life.

Thank you. Good Night. I hope you're happy.

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